Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog

An introduction to my blog

Hey ! 👋

Hello, my name is Frank and I’m a grad student in Financial Engineering at UIUC.
I’m not sure how my website caught you eyeballs, but I’m glad you are here.

Who am I ?

I’m a 22 years old grad student in Financial Engineering. I’m in loved with Functional Programming, spending spare time working side-projects built with Julia, Typescript and, of course, Python.

What is this blog about ?

This blog is about my journey in OSS, and my projects.
I will try to write articles about what I’m learning, and what I’m doing.
I will also try to write articles about my projects, how I made them and what motivate me do create them.

How was this blog made ?

This blog is made with Astro, a static site generator.
I’m using UnoCSS for the styling.
And to host the website, I’m using GitHub🫡.

How can I contact you ?

You can contact me with frankwaang@outlook.com.

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