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Hi, my name is Frank. I am discreet and don't necessarily like to share
information about myself publicly. However, I would be happy to discuss
with you about anything. If you want to ask a question about an article,
leave a comment. I always answer.
I like learning programming languages, I wrote Julia, Python, Ocaml...,
and I like AI.
I am looking for remote internship, if you want to contact me send
an email to
Something About Me
Best Overall - Uncommon Hacks 2024
DilemmAI is a first-of-its-kind gaming experience- rather than making tactical decisions yourself, you instead come up with a strategy that an AI agent executes on your behalf. Players get to explore this mechanism with a classic thought experiment in game theory: the Prisoner's Dilemma. Two agents are placed into a situation where they can either work together for mutual reward or try to get a leg up on the other by betraying their partner.
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1st Place of Hack for Good at Google
A 1-day event where Chicago technologists come together to work on software and/or hardware concepts that make a difference for communities.
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1st Place of HackIllinois 2024
PixeLana is a multiplayer web app game where Stable Diffusion meets the Solana Blockchain. Players will take turns entering a prompt for the rest of the party to utilize the power of Stable Diffusion and generate images based on the prompt. The author of each prompt will then judge and select which art piece is the funniest, prettiest, or best image in the context of the prompt.
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Dr. Z. Ju Scholarship
Preference to students who understand business culture in Asia, speak and Asian language and/or intend to apply their degree in Asia after graduation.
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